Frank, I won't be coming into work tomorrow, Uncle Willy made me rich!

I’ve been a little quiet these past few days, as Greg Low and I have been on a tropical island off the coast of Malaysia, kicking back!.. No, only joking, we are at an INETA summit, catching up with a whole bunch of other user group leads and Microsoft’ees about the good, bad, and ugly of running user groups all over the world. But more on that when I get back.

I logged in this morning to find this email waiting for me from Attorney Idris Yahaya Esq. My first reaction was, “Oh no, Uncle Willy is dead!”. My second reaction was “Who the hell is Engr. Willy Bubenik”!? As I went onto read, I discovered that the late Willy Bubenik had made me a beneficiary of his will. And even after failed attempts to contact me via the Post Office (yeah, they stopped receiving strange mail on my behalf years ago), Uncle Willy had the foresight to include my blog address, where the trustee was able to reach me. Now, I don’t know who Willy is (was?), but I can only deduce that he was such an avid reader of my blog, that my constant hilarity compelled him through a moment of lucidity to include me in his will (he was a widely traveled man).

So now I must collect my most important identification, machine copy them, and send them together with my postal address (to ensure the trustee doesn’t need to keep spamming all the local post offices in the world looking for me) to the trustee via their hotmail account (their mail server must be down). Wow, can’t wait to receive a copy of Uncle Willy’s obituary so that finally I might recognize him…..riiiight!