SAP Connector update, Gateway update release, SNC support, Strong/Safe Type

Wow, what a day!

An update to the On-Premises Data Gateway containing many improvements for SAP Connector for Azure Logic Apps is now live at:

Furthermore we are deploying the update to the SAP Connector at this moment. We expect the deployment to reach all regions by early next week.

Then, with the combination of both these updates you have now support for Kerberos-based SNCĀ (Secured Network Communication).

Also included the availability of Strong Typing vs "Safe" Typing, as described in earlier posts in this blog.

We've improved the error response model of the connector to follow error condition response. Please note that the gateway update works in concert with the connector update for that, for the gateway will generate the specific exception details which the connector will use to fill the content of the error response.

Also included the improvement to error response from Logic Apps to SAP described in earlier post.