All of my Windows Phone, HTML5 Gaming and Windows 8 code samples posted to GitHub and Codeplex

Update – July 12th – Updated with Codeplex project info.

In order to give easier access to all of the sample code and starter kits I am now hosting everything on my Codeplex account with all of the source being replicated from my GitHub account





This means you will be able to grab the latest source code builds from both Codeplex and Github, whichever ones you prefer to work with.

Right now there are four repositories broken down as follows:

  • MetroGameKit – this is the Space Cadet game demo you have seen me blog about and the one I covered in the Channel 9 Screencast.
  • WindowsPhoneGarage – this includes the Mango enabled Windows Phone app I created to show off web service calls, templating, navigation, custom item templates and various other features.
  • WindowsPhoneSpaceGame – this is an XNA Windows Phone game that shows off animation, touch, sound and game loop mechanics.
  • HTML5CanvasDemos – package of html files that include HTML5 Canvas overview and introduction to EaselJS

As always, all of this code is for demonstration purposes only.  Microsoft and I offer no warranties or support for it.  It’s sole purpose is to helps you get started in writing your own amazing apps!

Have fun!
