Ever wondered how much managed code Microsoft uses?

Dan Fernandez has announced he's changing jobs, which is of course interesting in its own right - but at the bottom of his post he's put up some interesting stats.

These stats were published internally a couple of months ago, and Dan got permission to publish them.  So if you've wondered how many lines of managed code we use in our products, heres an indication which will help you to understand how important .Net is not just to our customers but to our internal development teams as well.  Is .Net a viable platform to build products on?  We think so!

Here's an extract from Dans entry:

The Microsoft's not using Managed Code Myth
One of the biggest challenges in my old job was that customers didn't think Microsoft was using managed code. Well, the truth is that we have a good amount of managed code in the three years that the .NET Framework has been released including operating systems, client tools, Web properties, and Intranet applications. For those of you that refuse to believe, here's an estimate of the lines of managed code in Microsoft applications that I got permission to blog about:

  • Visual Studio 2005: 7.5 million lines
  • SQL Server 2005: 3 million lines
  • BizTalk Server: 2 million lines
  • Visual Studio Team System: 1.7 million lines
  • Windows Presentation Foundation: 900K lines
  • Windows Sharepoint Services: 750K lines
  • Expression Interactive Designer: 250K lines  
  • Sharepoint Portal Server: 200K lines
  • Content Management Server: 100K lines