One of the worst parts of my job...

Is when I can't talk about something!

By now, most folks should be downloading the August preview of Expression Blend 2, which I'm super excited to see finally getting out. (If you didn't already know... Get it HERE)

But, one of the features that I've been testing personally is one I'm really excited about, but got cut from the August preview for a variety of reasons. For obvious reasons, I can't say what the feature was and why it was cut. And that drives me CRAZY sometimes!

I can't wait to start talking about the new feature, what you can do with it, how much fun I've had playing with it and so on... and now I have to wait until our next tech preview. And even *I* don't know how long that's going to be. (No, it's not a case of "I know but can't say in a public forum", but I actually don't know).

Ah well, I guess my loyal readers will just have to wait and see.

And, for the record, I should have a new blog post coming out soon that describes how to do a parameterized Value Converter. In the Total Training series (Check out for details), I go over how to create a Value Converter that changes a control different colors based on the value (I.e. if it's greater then 90, turn it green, etc...). However, I had someone ask me privately how to create a generic one that you could configure. I've got a couple solutions, and I'm putting the polish on those now.