Moving from CVS or SVN (Subversion) to TFS (Visual STudio Team Foundation Server) ?

Best of breed open source solution will not help you in supporting the best practices when building application software. Even if you invest a lot of time (and money), you will only acheive a minimum level of integration (source control and project management or source control and code quality checks …).

For that reason, many teams are moving from CVS or SVN (Subversion) to TFS (Visual Studio Team Foundation Server). Not because CVS or SVN is not doing a good job for source control management but because they need to integrate all the components (and tools) used by the application development team.

To support this move from CVS and SVN to TFS,  you could use Timely Migration

Timely Migration is a suite of tools designed to be the complete solution for moving detailed history from your existing source control system. Timely Migration aims to eliminate roadblocks for transitioning your organization to Team Foundation Server caused by the lack of viable migration tools.
