Cut the BS with Bullfighter

My favorite new piece of software is Bullfighter from Deloite
Touche Consulting
. It's a Microsoft Word add-in (2000 or XP) which searches your
documents for terms like "synergy", "value proposition", and "paradigm" that managers
and consultants use to sound smarter. I tried this tool on one of our latest press
and found six "BS" hits. Sweet! I only wish they had a web interface
(or web service interface) where you could point to a URL and get a BS word count
from a company's "About" page or quarterly earnings.

On the other side of the net, if you want to bloat your language, visit Vanderbuilt's MBA
. My auto-generated MBA sentence was: "In line with heuristic policy
flexibility, leveraging customer positions leads the way with the ramifications of
the final results."
I'm making this my Mission Statement.

There's also a great dictionary for Corporate

Download Bullfighter here.