Project Server integration support coming to TFS 2010

As a recovering software development manager, one of the things that always drove me crazy was the inability to provide the Project Management Office (PMO) with timely updates or getting my team updates on their upcoming tasks without doing a lot of cutting and pasting between project plans and developer task lists.

VS-TFSrvr10_v_rgbTeam Foundation Server (TFS) certainly bridges the gaps and new Excel worksheets that are part of the Team Projects really help both dev leads and PMs, but what about the PMs who are using Project Server?

We’ve had the PS-TFS Connector out on CodePlex for a number of years and that was good stop gap, but nothing completely Product Group supported…until now!

Project Server 2010The Product Group has released a CTP (Community Technology Preview) of the upcoming TFS 2010 and Project Server 2010 integration support. This CTP comes in the form of a Hyper-V Virtual Machine. It has a few walk-through exercises as well as a PowerPoint deck that explains in more details the supported scenarios with this integration.

You can download the CTP here:

You can give feedback on our new Project Server integration forum:

Brian Harry did a great job providing the backstory about this product, why it was built, and who influenced it. Definitely worth reading.

I’m really excited about this integration and can’t wait to try the exercises!


Technorati Tags: TFS,Project Server