Integrate ildasm.exe into VS .NET 2002

VS .NET allows you to add any number of external tools to the Tools menu. One very helpful technique is to configure ildasm.exe to automatically load up the current assembly being compiled. While VS .NET 2003 sets this up automatically, VS .NET 2002 may update the Tools menu manually. To do so, activate the Tools -> External Tools menu item. The 'Title' edit field allows you to supply the display name of your new menu item. In the 'Command' filed, type in the path to ildasm.exe (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin\ildasm.exe). Finally, and most importantly, be sure to specify $(TargetPath) in the 'Arguments' field. Once you have done so, you can simply activate this menu item and the assembly under development will automatically be loaded into ildasm.exe.

More info on ildasm.exe

Tip from Andrew Troelsen
Posted by: Duncan Mackenzie, MSDN
This post applies to Visual C# .NET 2002