So much to do…

I have been quite busy lately, I have been taking on many odd jobs designing and creating smaller features that everybody else does not have time to work on, but features that people have been asking for. All of this has been distracting me from my blogging duties, I hope you understand.


I posted a new version of Visual IL Wednesday night. There have not been many changes, just some bug fixes, better error checking, and I moved the time bomb out one month – so if you find the package no longer loads and runs, you will need to uninstall it, download then install the newer version from Remember, if you find any bugs please report them.


One of the bugs I fixed in this build was how dependencies were used within a setup project. Create a setup project, create an IL project, then add the output of the IL project to the setup project. Before none of the dependencies would be added to the setup project. Now it detects those dependencies and adds them.


I will be making another upload over the weekend. I found a really nasty bug where, if you were to open two or more IL files at one time, then modifications made to the second document opened would go to the first one.