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The times they are a changing...


It was 4½ years ago that Sandy Khaund and I founded the group that was chartered to build an open source project hosting site for Microsoft. The site, which eventually became known as CodePlex (it had many internal names) launched a little more than a year later. The site has grown dramatically over the past 3 years and today is one of the largest open source project hosting sites. It also hosts 400+ of Microsoft’s own open source projects. In addition CodePlex serves as an example of how to run an agile project at Microsoft. The team that was formed to build and support the site has been one of the best teams that I have worked with over the years.


I say all this because today is my last day as the Product Unit Manager of the CodePlex team. I decided a month ago to move to a new opportunity in Microsoft Services organization. I will be leading a development team that is responsible for building solutions which assist customers in deploying, maintaining, operating, and developing applications for Microsoft’s products. However, this does not end my efforts with regard to Microsoft and open source. I am an advisor to the CodePlex Foundation, a coordinator on the project, and a very interested observer of CodePlex (hint: cool and interesting things are coming). I know they will keep up the great work.