[Sample of Mar 13th] Track the system CPU usage


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C# version:
VB version: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/VBCpuUsage-be7e2c94
C++ version: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Track-the-system-CPU-usage-defc62b6

Today’s code sample demonstrates how to use the PerformanceCounter to track the CPU usage of the system or a certain process using C# or VB or native C++ code.  It lets the user visualize a Plot of one or more Performance Counter Value against time.


The sample code was developed by the star sample writer: Amit Dey

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This code sample demonstrates how to use the PerformanceCounter to track the CPU usage of the system or a certain process.  It lets the user visualize a Plot of one or more Performance Counter Value against time.


Running the Sample

Open Solution in Visual Studio 2010
Go to “Debug” -> “Start without Debugging”
From Drop Down, Select Performance Counter of Interest.
Click “Add”
See a graph of Performance Counter value against time.
You may add more counters by Repeating Steps 3 and 4.



Using the Code

This sample code functions in following high-level steps in the C++ version of the sample.  You can learn the C# and VB version by downloading the samples from the above links.
1. First List Down Valid Counter Names. For each processor a “Processor Time” and “Idle Time” performance counter is added. For each running process a “Processor Time” performance counter is added.
2. A List of “Selected” Performance Counter is maintained. It is initialized to Empty Vector. When user selects a performance counter and clicks “Add”, that counter is added to the vector.
3. A Thread runs in parallel. This Periodically, Queries each Performance Counter in the “Selected” list. The performance counters are plotted against time using GDI+.
Following are the reusable components of the Sample Code
1. Get the Processor Count of System

 DWORD GetProcessorCount() 
    SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;  
    DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors; 
    dwNumberOfProcessors = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; 
    return dwNumberOfProcessors; 

2. Get list of running process

 vector<PCTSTR> GetProcessNames() 
    DWORD dwProcessID[SIZE]; 
    DWORD cbProcess; 
    DWORD cProcessID; 
    BOOL fResult = FALSE; 
    DWORD index; 
    HANDLE hProcess; 
    HMODULE lphModule[SIZE]; 
    DWORD cbNeeded;     
    int len; 
    vector<PCTSTR> vProcessNames; 
    TCHAR * szProcessName; 
    TCHAR * szProcessNameWithPrefix; 
    fResult = EnumProcesses(dwProcessID, sizeof(dwProcessID), &cbProcess); 
        goto cleanup; 
    cProcessID = cbProcess / sizeof(DWORD); 
    for( index = 0; index < cProcessID; index++ ) 
        szProcessName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];         
        hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 
        FALSE, dwProcessID[index] ); 
        if( NULL != hProcess ) 
            if ( EnumProcessModulesEx( hProcess, lphModule, sizeof(lphModule),  
                &cbNeeded,LIST_MODULES_ALL) ) 
                if( GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, lphModule[0], szProcessName,  
                    MAX_PATH ) ) 
                    len = _tcslen(szProcessName); 
                    _tcscpy(szProcessName+len-4, TEXT("\0")); 
                    bool fProcessExists = false; 
                    int count = 0; 
                    szProcessNameWithPrefix = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; 
                    _stprintf(szProcessNameWithPrefix, TEXT("%s"), szProcessName); 
                        fProcessExists = false; 
                        for(auto it = vProcessNames.begin(); it < vProcessNames.end(); it++) 
                                fProcessExists = true; 
    szProcessName = NULL; 
    szProcessNameWithPrefix = NULL; 
    return vProcessNames; 

3. Get list of valid  Performance Counter Names

 vector<PCTSTR> GetValidCounterNames() 
    vector<PCTSTR> validCounterNames; 
    DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors = GetProcessorCount(); 
    DWORD index; 
    vector<PCTSTR> vszProcessNames; 
    TCHAR * szCounterName; 
    validCounterNames.push_back(TEXT("\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time")); 
    validCounterNames.push_back(TEXT("\\Processor(_Total)\\% Idle Time")); 
    for( index = 0; index < dwNumberOfProcessors; index++ ) 
        szCounterName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; 
        _stprintf(szCounterName, TEXT("\\Processor(%u)\\%% Processor Time"),index); 
        szCounterName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; 
        _stprintf(szCounterName, TEXT("\\Processor(%u)\\%% Idle Time"),index); 
    vszProcessNames = GetProcessNames(); 
    for(auto element = vszProcessNames.begin();  
        element < vszProcessNames.end();  
        element++ ) 
        szCounterName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; 
        _stprintf(szCounterName, TEXT("\\Process(%s)\\%% Processor Time"),*element); 
    szCounterName = NULL; 
    return validCounterNames; 

4. class Query: For querying Performance Counters

  a) Adds a Performance Counter to Log.

 void Query::AddCounterInfo(PCWSTR name) 
        PDH_STATUS status; 
        CounterInfo ci; 
        ci.counterName = name; 
        status = PdhAddCounter(query, ci.counterName, 0 , &ci.counter); 
        if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) 

  b) Query once for each Selected Performance Counter.

 void Query::Record() 
    PDH_STATUS status; 
    ULONG CounterType; 
    ULONG WaitResult; 
    PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE DisplayValue;     
    status = PdhCollectQueryData(query); 
    if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) 
    status = PdhCollectQueryDataEx(query, SAMPLE_INTERVAL, Event); 
    if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) 
    WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(Event, INFINITE); 
    if (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0)  
        for(auto it = vciSelectedCounters.begin(); it < vciSelectedCounters.end(); it++) 
            status = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(it->counter, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, &CounterType, &DisplayValue);             
            if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) 
            Log log; 
            log.time = time; 
            log.value = DisplayValue.doubleValue; 