All-In-One Windows Development Samples (Updated on 2010-8-26)


These are Windows Development code samples in All-In-One Code Framework.

In the list, some languages do not have a link. For example,
    Out-of-process COM Service (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
It means that the C++ and VB.NET versions are still under development.

COM Samples

Windows Shell Samples

Shell Extension

  • Shell Property Sheet Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Context Menu Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Drag and Drop Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Infotip Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Icon Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Icon Overlay Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)
  • Shell Column Extension Handler (C++ | C++/ATL | C# | VB.NET)

Shell Application

  • Shell Known Folders (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Use of Shell common file dialog (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Windows Shell Libraries (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Diagnostics  Samples

  • Stack overflow (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Stack corruption (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Heap corruption (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Memory or handle leaks (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Application hang (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Enhanced Taskbar Samples

Files and File Access Samples

  • Synchronous file I/O (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Asynchronous file I/O (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Operations on sparse files (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • List files in a directory (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Security Samples

  • Encryption and decryption (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Digital signature (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Encryption and decryption of XML (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Digital signature of XML (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Impersonation (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Create an interactive process under different user account (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Self-elevate the current process (UAC)  (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Get and set resource integrity level (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Create low-integrity process in C++ (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Library loading Samples



IPC and RPC Samples

Windows Service Samples

  • A basic windows service skeleton (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Win7 Trigger Start Service (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Interactive Windows Service (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Windows Hook Samples

  • Hook mouse and keyboard input (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Other Windows Base Samples

  • Check OS version information (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Check OS bitness 32bit/64bit (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Check process bitness (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Set power availability request (C++ | C# | VB.NET)

Multi-Touch Samples

User Interface Samples

  • Modal and modeless dialog (C++ | C++/MFC | C# | VB.NET)
  • Windows user controls (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Windows common controls (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Windows sub-classing (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Owner-drawn menu item in Windows application (C++ | C# | VB.NET)
  • Direct2D (C++ | C# | VB.NET)