2009-06-14 release of All-In-One Code Framework

The newest version of All-In-One Code Framework comes out, https://cfx.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?title=All-In-One%20Code%20Framework%20Examples

Download link, https://cfx.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=28718

If this is the first time you hear about the All-In-One Code Framework project, please refer the introduction on its homepage https://cfx.codeplex.com/, as well as this blog.

Let's see what new samples we add in this release,


CSLinqExtension sample extends the LINQ querying function. It includes several LINQ extension libraries, for example "LINQ to CSV", "LINQ to File System", "LINQ to Reflection" and "LINQ to String". "LINQ to CSV" parses the CSV file content to string type array, "LINQ to File System" can put files into different categories depending on the extension name and retrieve the largest files; "LINQ to Reflection" uses .NET Reflection to retrieve an assembly's types, properties, methods and category them. "LINQ to String" can filter the number character in the string and count the frequency of a specified word. In the future release, we will add more LINQ extension library like "LINQ to WMI".


CSOfficeSharedAddIn, CppOfficeManagedCOMAddInShim

CSOfficeSharedAddIn is an sample project of Office Shared COM AddIN using .NET managed codes. It does not depend on VSTO. Actually, this kind of AddIn can affects each other's loading and executing. To avoid this affection, we need to use an AddIn Shim to isolate each other. Shim is a unmanaged dll written via C++. The Office will first load this Shim and the Shim will load the .NET runtime and create a new AppDomain to load and execute the managed COM AddIn. So multiple AddIns will exist in different AppDomain and they will not affect each other.



It illustrates how to get and VSTO wrapper object from the native Office COM object.


CSAutomatePowerPoint, VBAutomatePowerPoint, CppAutomatePowerPoint

It illuestrates how to use C#, VB.NET and C++ to automate the Office PowerPoint


It is samples of DataGridView customization. All of frequently asked scenario in MSDN forums are included in this sample. For example, 1. How to use MaskedTextBox, DataTimePicker controls in the DataGridView control column. 2.Display of huge amount of data. There are two ways to improve this scenario, using multiple pages or just-in-time data loading. 3. Mutiple headers. For this scenario, please refer the MutipleLayeredColumnHeader sample.


This is a Vista UAC example written by native C++. It shows how to detect the current process’s integrity level, and how to elevate a process by using ShellExecute or manifest


It illustrates how to use Windows Firewall API


It illustrates how to subclass windows in the current process using native C++. Subclassing is a very useful way to customize native Window and control’s behavior. Typically, there are two ways to do window subclassing in VC++. Please refer the sample project for more detailed information.


This is a .NET CodeDOM sample. It shows how to use .NET CodeDOM to dynamically generate and compile codes

CppSynchronousIO, CppAsynchronousIO

It uses C++ to show how to do synchronous and asynchronous IO. In the CppAsynchronousIO sample, it demos the basic GetOverlappedResult, WaitForSingleObject operation, as well as the Alertable I/O and I/O Completion Port APIs.

 If you have any comments or feedbacks on the project, you are welcome to post here.