2009-5-10 release of All-In-One Code Framework

The newest version of All-In-One Code Framework comes out, https://cfx.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?title=All-In-One%20Code%20Framework%20Examples

Download link, https://cfx.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=26687

If this is the first time you hear about the All-In-One Code Framework project, please refer the introduction on its homepage https://cfx.codeplex.com/, as well as this blog.


What is New? There are 16 samples added in this version.


1.CSWinFormControls, CSWinFormObjPersistence, CSWinFormDragAndDrop, CSWinFormGraphics, CSWinFormTimeConsumingOpr, CSWinFormPrinting, CSWinFormPassValueBetweenForms

They are all typical samples about Windows Form development, including WinForm custom control, object persistence, drag&drop operation, GDI+ drawing, multiple threading scenario, WinForm printing, Value passing. If you have any good ideas about other not-included WinForm scenarios, you are welcome to leave a comment here. We will estimate and consider to add it to the ALl-in-One Code Framework.



This sample inllustrates how to write a C# COM component which can be used by Microsoft Excel as User Defined Functions add in.



This sample shows how to automate Outlook using native C++


4.VBLinqToDataSets, VBLinqToObject

These two samples are VB versions of the original CSLinqToDataSets, CSLinqToObject.


5.CSLinqToXml, VBLinqToXml

They show how to utilize LINQ to XML to parse the XML document via C# and VB.NET. The XML document source from objects in memory and SQL Server database. Another thing to mention is that VBLinqToXML uses the VB.NET 9.0's new feature, "XML literals", to manipulate the XML document directly.



Use C++ codes to create a global and local hook. You can compare it with CSWindowsHook sample to know what the difference is between native hook and managed hook.



This sample shows modal and modaless dialogs in the native C++ Windows Application



If you are insteresting in windows debugging, this sample will be helpful for you to know the typical heap corruption scenarios, causes and debugging methods.



If you have any comments or feedbacks on the project, you are welcome to leave a comment here.