Cinq webcasts pour diagnostiquer et réparer vos sites sous IIS

L'équipe IIS de Microsoft Corp nous propose cinq webcasts consacrés au sujet du diagnostic, de la mise au point et du debugging de sites fonctionnant sous IIS.

Le newsgroup IIS francophone contient assez souvent des questions de développeurs - a priori peu expérimentés - qui constatent que leur IIS cesse de fonctionner et ne savent pas par où commencer à chercher. Ces webcasts sont aussi pour vous, ils devraient vous donner - outre les reflexes de base - deux ou trois petits trucs assez utiles.

Bon visionnage !

IIS Architecture Overview (Level 200)
Before administrators and developers attempt to debug IIS it is essential that they thoroughly understand the IIS architecture. This webcast is an overview of the architecture that serves as a base on which the rest of the week's webcasts are built. We will also describe IIS and COM+ integration in legacy versions of IIS and how IIS 6.0 architecture is different.
Overview of Debugging Tools (Level 200)
Debug Diagnostics Toolkit 2.0 with its easy-to-use interface will be the primary tool used to debug IIS application problems at Microsoft. This webcast outlines the key features of this new toolkit and compares it to the Windows debugging toolkit.
Understanding and Diagnosing Crashes in IIS (Level 300)
How do you define a crash? If you're not sure, this webcast is for you. We'll discuss the basic definition of a crash and cover major details such as the differences between native and managed code access violations. Learn how to attack crashes with the right tools and fix them the first time.

The Ins and Outs of Hangs in IIS (Level 300)
Most administrators and perhaps even some developers would agree that they spend a lot of time troubleshooting situations in which IIS hangs. In this webcast we will define what a hang is in the context of IIS and discuss some of the most common reasons that IIS processes hang. You'll also learn how to use the appropriate tools to reduce the time to resolution.
The Inside Scoop on Diagnosing Memory Leaks in IIS (Level 300)
This webcast explains how memory is leaked in the scope of an application and how memory becomes fragmented. We'll show you how to use the Debug Diagnostics Toolkit Memory Leak Analyzer to troubleshoot memory leaks successfully.

Initialement posté le 25/06/2005 à 11:28