F# Zen - Colored printf
It’s easy to lose track of important data when logging output to the console window, fortunately you can use the System.Console.ConsoleColor property to set the output color. But unlike F#’s printfn, System.Console.WriteLine doesn’t use type inference and feels much different than the printf and printfn methods you’re used to.
Here’s how to create a version of printfn that takes a console color parameter.
/// Colored printf
let cprintf c fmt =
(fun s ->
let old = System.Console.ForegroundColor
System.Console.ForegroundColor <- c;
System.Console.Write s
System.Console.ForegroundColor <- old)
// Colored printfn
let cprintfn c fmt =
cprintf c fmt
printfn ""
open System
cprintfn ConsoleColor.Blue "Hello, World in BLUE!"
cprintfn ConsoleColor.Red "... and in RED!"
cprintfn ConsoleColor.Green "... and in GREEN!"
let rotatingColors =
seq {
let i = ref 0
let possibleColors = Enum.GetValues(typeof<ConsoleColor>)
while true do
yield (enum (!i) : ConsoleColor)
i := (!i + 1) % possibleColors.Length
"Experience the rainbow of possibility!"
|> Seq.zip rotatingColors
|> Seq.iter (fun (color, letter) -> cprintf color "%c" letter)
printfn ""
Console.WriteLine("(press any key to continue")
Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
- Anonymous
October 01, 2008
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