Figuring out the ChangeXML format when using the 'UpdateStatus' method

The Statusing web service (Project Server Interface) in EPM2007 contains a powerful method called UpdateStatus. This method can be used to make changes to tasks and assignments; for instance: Actual Work, % Work Complete, ... please refer to the ChangeList Schema Reference in the SDK for a complete list.

To help you generate the XML string required to achieve your customization needs the latest version of the SDK has a powerful tool that will help you generate the ChangeXML command: How to: Generate ChangeXML for Statusing Updates

Your customization will ideally generate the proper ChangerXML command dynamically based on the entities you need to update.

A sample method to generate the ChangeXML string could look like this:

   public static StringBuilder CreateChangeXml(TimeSheetWS.TimesheetDataSet timesheetDs)
            StringBuilder changeXml = new StringBuilder();
            string pidRegularWork = PSLibrary.AssnConstID.s_apid_regular_work.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            for (int i = 0; i < timesheetDs.Lines.Count; i++)
                if (timesheetDs.Lines[i].TS_LINE_VALIDATION_TYPE == (int)PSLibrary.TimesheetEnum.ValidationType.Verified)
                    changeXml.AppendFormat("<Proj ID=\"{0}\">", timesheetDs.Lines[i].PROJ_UID.ToString());
                    changeXml.AppendFormat("<Assn ID=\"{0}\">", timesheetDs.Lines[i].ASSN_UID.ToString());
                    changeXml.AppendFormat("<Change PID=\"{0}\">{1}</Change>", pidRegularWork, timesheetDs.Lines[i].TS_LINE_ACT_SUM_VALUE.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            return changeXml;