Sample Code to Update a Resource’s Custom Field

Please find below a code sample I wrote that updates a Resource's Custom Field of type Flag.

You can call this method in a loop for instance to automatically reset a CF for all resources.

    1:          public static bool UpdateResourceCustomField(ResourceWS.ResourceDataSet resDS, Guid cfUID, bool flagValue)
    2:          {
    3:              Guid cfExists = GetCUSTOM_FIELD_UID(resDS, cfUID);
    4:              if (cfExists != Guid.Empty)
    5:              {
    6:                  for (int cf = 0; cf < resDS.ResourceCustomFields.Count; cf++)
    7:                  {
    8:                      if (resDS.ResourceCustomFields[cf].MD_PROP_UID == cfUID)
    9:                      {
   10:                          resDS.ResourceCustomFields[cf].FLAG_VALUE = flagValue;
   11:                          return UpdateOneResource(resDS);
   12:                      }
   13:                  }
   14:              }
   15:              else
   16:              {
   17:                  resDS.ResourceCustomFields.AddResourceCustomFieldsRow(AddResourceCustomField(resDS.Resources[0].RES_UID, cfUID, flagValue, resDS));
   18:                  return UpdateOneResource(resDS);
   19:              }   
   21:              return false;
   22:          }