LINQ to SQL Introductory Video

This video shows the basic steps required to create a LINQ to SQL video using Visual Studio 2008 Beta 1 (aka as Orcas Beta 1). You will be introduced to following concepts:

  1. Using the LINQ to SQL designer to map data in your database to classes in your program.
    1. Generating a DataContext used to connect to your database and access its tables and field
    2. Exploring the auto-generated ORM-style entity classes that wrap the tables in your database
  2. Writing LINQ to SQL code
    1. Instantiating an instance of the DataContext
    2. Writing a SQL Expression to query data
    3. Iterating over LINQ to SQL data with a foreach loop
    4. Using Anonymous Types to create a projection, or custom view, of data in a table
    5. Creating a LINQ style join between two tables that are linked by a foreign key
    6. Using the ObjectDumper class from Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas)
    7. Using Type Inference and the var keyword

There is nothing very fancy in this video, but it will provide you with an easy to follow introduction to LINQ to SQL. Tags: C#, LINQ

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