Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

New Application Architecture Guide (v.2.0) from Microsoft Patterns & Practices!!

Cool!, just a few days ago (Thu Sep 25 2008) Microsoft P&P have published a neat 'Application Architecture Guide' (v.2.0). It is great because "it is new", so it covers most of the new Microsoft dev technologies and application/architecture types we're dealing with, nowadays. :-) Even though P&P have published just "the begining", in ...

Optimistic Concurrency Updates using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications (Part 2)

This is my second post about "Updating data using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications". If you wanna read the basics, go to my first post here: http://blogs.msdn.com/cesardelatorre/archive/2008/09/04/updating-data-using-entity-framework-in-n-tier-and-n-layer-applications-short-lived-ef-contexts.aspx So!, I finished my first ...

Updating data using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications (short lived EF contexts) – (Part 1)

First of all, we are talking about using Entity Framework and how it fits within N-Tier and N-Layer applications, ok?, that’s our initial scenario. An N-Tier application is an application where you have 3 or more physical tiers. I mean with that things like, “Presentation/Client Tier”, “Application/Business Server Tier” and “Data ...

Design_Time_Addresses URL in WCF (.NET 3.5)

.NET 3.5 creates an ACL (Access Control List) for the namespace "http://+:8731/Design_Time_Addresses" during the installation of Visual Studio so users without administrator privilege are able to develop WCF services. The ACL is set to (UI), which includes all interactive users logged on to the machine. Administrators can add or remove ...