Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

DDD-Exchange 2011

So, it was such a great event with Eric Evans, Udi Dahan and Greg Young. Here I post a few pictures I got. Before starting: (image) (image) Eric Evans presenting the Agenda: (image) Q&A to Eric, Udi and Greg: (image) Saying hello to Udi: (image) Strong discussions below… (image) (image) All in all, I really liked all the ...

Working with WCF RIA Services JSON endpoints for HTML5, JavaScript & JQuery

  WCF RIA Services and JSON endpoints Interesting posts about the base for many future apps based on HTML5, WCF RIA Services JSON endpoints and JavaScript : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davrous/archive/2010/12/14/how-to-open-a-wcf-ria-services-application-to-other-type-of-clients-the-json-endpoint-4-5.aspx http://www.yumasoft.com/node/108...

Don’t like EF 4.1 ‘Data Annotations’ for DDD Architectures implementation –’Fluent API’ fits better for that!

I write this post in order to get some feedback regarding what I currently think about EF 4.1 Data Annotations and how it fits in DDD Architectural styles. About DDD Architectural styles, here it is our Architecture Guide (Though we are actually writing its second edition, adding EF 4.1 Code-First approach). But most DDD Architectural ...

Just Published the English version of our ‘DDD N-Layered .NET 4.0 Architecture Guide’ book and Sample-App at CODEPLEX

(image) (image) [UPDATED - April 2017] - IMPORTANT:  For up-to-date architecture and development guidance using .NET (i.e. .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Docker containers, etc.) including Domain-Driven Design patterns, microservices architectures and other .NET related technologies like Xamarin for mobile apps check this landing page pointing ...

New update Windows Azure Platform Training Kit – April Update

Quite a few new interesting updates: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=413E88F8-5966-4A83-B309-53B7B77EDF78&displaylang=en From the site: Some of the specific changes with the April update of the training kit includes: · [New] Authenticating Users in a Windows Phone 7 App via ACS, OData Services and Windows...

Entity Framework 4.1 just Released!

For me, it means fundamentally ‘Code First approach’, which is actually the best approach for DDD (Domain Driven Design) architectural styles (for your Domain Entity Model). So now, it is ready for production developments!!. Release to Web (RTW) of Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1 (EF 4.1). This is a fully supported, go-live ...

Automatically deploying Azure Connect Agents software

(image) In order to set up Windows Azure Connect, you need to install a piece of software called Azure Connect Agent in each server/machine from your datacenter that you want to access. In order to do that, you usually have to access Azure-Portal in order to get a specific agent for each server.  You usually click “Install Local ...