Where can I find sample code to do XML parsing on WinCE?

So you want to do something with XML on WinCE / Windows Mobile and want to see sample code to do it.  It can be as easy as basic parsing of an XML Document to some complex XSLT transformation.

While there are not a ton of WinCE specific examples of parsing XML, there are tons of samples written for Windows XP.  The XML parser on "modern" WinCE devices is MSXML3 SP1, the same that shipped with Windows XP RTM.  So if you can't find a CE sample, look for general MSXML samples and it should just work.  MSXML can be invoked directly from C++ and is the ActiveX object used when parsing XML via jscript/vbscript via Microsoft.XMLDOM and friends.  It is *not* the core behind the managed XML parser.

* WinCE is a port of the desktop MSXML.  We tried our best to keep our parser as close to theirs as possible but can't promise %100 compat, so caveat emptor.

* Especially with general embedded, just because you have MSXML on your system doesn't mean you have the particular component required built into the ROM.  More info on this line:
  * Information about MSXML componentization

  * MSXML on Windows Mobile 5

  * How to add an optional component such as MSXML to an embedded device.

[Author: John Spaith]