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Having problems with RemoteAdmin?

In CE 5.0, we created RemoteAdmin tool to help make creating configuration web pages for headless CE devices easier for developers to create.  Based on the customers I've worked with so far, this is not the easy process we hoped for.  I think most problems can mostly be fixed with clarifying some of the documentation, but I may be wrong.

I want to understand what exactly is going wrong.  If you've had problems with RemoteAdmin, please post feedback to this message letting me know (1) what went wrong, (2) were you able to fix it/work around it, (3) how, (4) what you would've expected from Microsoft and what you want in the future.  If you've used RemoteAdmin with no problems that's also something I'm interested in.  Have you just used it straight out of the box as-is, or were you able to customize it with no problems also?

I want to temper expectations here.  It's going to be a while in all likelyhood before we can get any patches to RemoteAdmin itself out (unless it's a QFE level).  Furthermore the solutions for many issues may end up being just a best practices document that better explains how things work, rather than a complete revision of RemoteAdmin.  Finally please do due dilegence on your side -- at least try going through the docs at before complaining about something that's already explained.

However even if it's just explaining things better in the docs, I do think we can do better.  I need specific pain points before knowing how to proceed.  Thanks.