Windows CE Native Compilers

Posted by: Russ Keldorph

Hi, I'm Russ Keldorph, the dev lead for the native (ARM, MIPS, & SH-4) C++ compilers and runtime libraries for Windows CE.  I started an MSDN blog a while ago, but came to realize that I'm a terrible blogger because I just don't have the motivation to post regularly.  I'm moving to the CE Base team blog so that I can hide amongst all these other great posters and occasionally answer a particularly nasty question to which people really ought to know the answer.

At any rate, if you'd like to know something about the compilers, libraries or something else you think I might know the answer to, feel free to respond or send me email.  My address is russellk.  I'm particularly interested in errors and omissions in our documentation.

I look forward to hearing from you!