Visual Studio Time Saver – Presenting code in PowerPoint

Quick tips to make you more efficient in Visual Studio. Today’s tip: there is a great free add-in that makes it easier to show code in PowerPoint.

Have you ever had to display code in a PowerPoint presentation? PowerPoint is not designed for displaying snippets of code. I taught programming courses for years. Last year when I met a team of students at the Imagine Cup world finals who had built an add-in for Power Point for displaying code, I found myself starting to drool. Well their add-in has been published as a free app for Office. If you ever have to display code in Power Point you will want to check out Code Presenter Pro published by iGeek studio

If you don’t have an internet connection, or don’t have the app loaded on the laptop when you deliver your presentation, the code will appear as a screenshot slightly faded out. You may want to have a hidden slide with your code just in case you have any connectivity issues when you present.

If you liked this tip, check out the series Visual Studio Time Savers, where I share my favourite time saving tips. Give them a try and let me know what you think or your own! There are more coming, so make sure to check back often or subscribe to the RSS feed to get tips as soon as they are posted.

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