Breaking: D'Arcy Lussier on Microsoft TechDays Canada 2008


Rumours have been swirling in the Canadian developer community for some time now about something big being planned by the folks at Microsoft Canada. Until recently, the details surrounding this event have been relatively unknown. Earlier today, D’Arcy Lussier broke part of the story and shared some of the details on his blog.

A special thanks goes to D'Arcy for the err... nice photo of my team. :-/

We'll be disclosing a lot more information before the weekend. At this point in time, all I can share with you is that this is something that we have been working towards for the past year and that it’s based on what you've told us; you want deep technical content to help support your skills growth and career, That is what we plan to deliver.

Make sure to keep an eye on this blog for more information.