A Chat with Richard Fung - MSDN Code Award Finalist


Earlier this week, I met Richard Fung, an undergraduate student from the University of Calgary. Richard is part of a team of developers who submitted an entry for the MSDN Code Awards, which concluded at EnergizeIT 2007 in Toronto. You can check out his team's entry at the following URL:


In this interview, Richard and I discussed his team's entry for the MSDN Code Awards and how it was built:

Video: My Chat with Richard Fung on MSDN Code Awards

Personally-speaking, I think it's great to see how students across Canada are applying their knowledge outside the classroom. Richard represents an example of a student who is taking the experiences and knowledge he gained through the MSDN Code Awards to HCI studies at the University of Waterloo. I can't wait to see what he builds next! Something with Microsoft Surface perhaps?