Windows Live Webcast Series - Live for You!

It's amazing the number of services available to developers for creating intelligent and clever applications. Windows Live provides you with tons of APIs to incorporate search, maps, gadgets, messenger bot integration and much more - you can translate these services into real business value. For example, if you are a restaurant, you can map out the co-ordinates of your incoming orders so you can determine the quickest and most efficient travel route to make the deliveries. This only touches the tip of the iceberg in terms of possibilities!

We will be running a series of webcasts on Windows Live, starting out with a big in-person event on November 2nd in Toronto (if you are not based in Toronto, you can still tune in via webcast. Essentially, we'll be presenting to you with an overview of all the great services that are available for you through Windows Live ( After the big event, we will be launching a series of webcasts that will drill deeper into the following Windows Live technologies:

November 07 - Leveraging Windows Live Search (12:00-01:00 PM)
November 14 - A Richer User Experience with Virtual Earth (12:00-01:00 PM)
November 21 - How cool are Windows Live Gadgets? (12:00-01:00 PM)
November 28 - Writing Bots for Windows Live Messenger (12:00-01:00 PM)

You can sign up for the in-person event and the rest of the webcast series from the following link: