The Northeast Roadshow Rides to Channel 9

RoadshowJim, Bob and I are very excited to announce that we have a brand new home for northeastern US developers on Microsoft’s developer site Channel 9!

What will you find there?

  • Pictures of our smiling faces (no extra charge)
  • Posts from our blogs
  • Screencasts of past sessions
  • Links to presentations and code
  • Links to other resources

Check it out at

Northeast Home on Channel 9 

We’re in the process of recording screencasts from our recent Northeast MSDN Roadshow events (Spring ‘09, Winter ‘08, Fall ‘08) and will have them listed for you there at the bottom of the page.

We also have a Northeast Code Gallery, where you can download the presentations and, if you’re daring, code samples from our events.  Links to screencasts are here as well:


Whether your a regular attendee or not, we hope these sites give you the content you need, whenever you need it.

Channel9LogoImmense and sincere thanks to our teammate Brian Johnson for the great work he’s done to get us going (his help is why you’ll see his name as publisher of the screencasts we’ve posted). Thanks also go to Jim for tuning the sites to make sure the water was fine before we all jumped in.

Please let me know if you have any questions about either site, and enjoy!
