XamlFests Return in February

XAML. WPF. Silverlight.In December, I blogged about XamlFest, a free event in Waltham, MA that gave attendees a chance to learn WPF and Silverlight via instructor led hands-on labs. 

That quickly filled up, and so have others, so the ISV Developer team is offering additional XamlFests across the country, with three in the northeast & NYC areas.

From the ISV team post:

[…] These are two-day interactive events where you’ll learn about the platforms, tools and processes used to deliver differentiated user experiences.  It’s a chance for you to mingle with user experience minded Microsoft folks and industry leading design firms and design integrators. You'll learn about WPF and Silverlight.

Each Xamlfest day will start with interactive sessions by Microsoft and our design partners, followed by a free lunch and a chance to network, have some fun and win prizes.  Each afternoon will be geared toward assisted development with instructor-led walkthroughs, or better yet, come with your own project in mind. 

Location Registration Dates
New York, NY xamlfest-nyc@live.com Feb 9 – 10
Farmington, CT xamlfest-ct@live.com Feb 12 – 13
Redmond, WA xamlfest-redmond@live.com Feb 16 – 17
Portland, OR xamlfest-portland@live.com Feb 19 – 20
Atlanta, GA xamlfest-atlanta@live.com Feb 23 – 24
Waltham, MA xamlfest-boston@live.com Feb 26 – 27

Seating is extremely limited, so sign up quickly if you can attend.
