Introductory F# Resources

F# I recently gave an “Introduction to F#” session for the Cape Cod .NET User group and, with Talbott Crowell for the Boston MSDN Developer Conference.

(And for those of you in Maine, I’ll be delivering the session on February 19th with the Maine Bytes User Group in Portland.)

Here are some resources from the session along with others I hope you’ll find useful as you explore functional programming and F#.

Slides and Samples




  • “Expert F#”
  • “Foundations of F#"
  • “F# for Scientists”
  • “Real-World Functional Programming: With Examples in F# and C#” – Not yet released
  • “F# in a Nutshell” – Not yet released


And, for the curious, a few commercial products written in F#:

I hope you enjoy delving into F#!
