Wired: Hide Your IPod, Here Comes Bill

Well, here's an article that doesn't trim at all with what I've seen at Microsoft. My first thought is, the only people who might give somebody a hard time about a music player are people like me, and it's all in fun. Second, I've seen a couple of music players on people as they walk around campus and most of the time that player isn't an iPod as far as I can tell.

"About 80 percent of Microsoft employees who have a portable music player have an iPod," said one source, a high-level manager who asked to remain anonymous. "It's pretty staggering."

If this sentence is true, I don't see it. I don't know of any gadget polls given company wide, so I have no idea where such a number would come from.

iPods are fine machines. I had one. I sold it. :) There are just too many choices now to limit yourself to one brand or player. I think it's interesting that last spring, Yusuf Mehdi gave a speech where he touched on the idea that media players would proliferate and go down in price. (I blogged about it here.) Very prophetic in light of the new shuffle devices.