How to unit test PowerShell scripts that call cmdlets from the SharePoint snap-in

Update: If you're reading this then be sure to have a read of the comments too - some good insight and points from nohwnd on the Pester team that are also worth considering if you are interested in this stuff.

Update 2: I've posted a new post related to this which shows an improved way to test SP cmdlets

As we see PowerShell scripts get more and more complex (lets face it scripting guys, you're basically writing code - we've turned you in to developers without you realising it! :P) people are discovering the need for things that help us maintain complex code bases, such as unit testing. Pester is a great tool for being able to write unit tests for PowerShell scripts, and will even integrate in to Visual Studio so you can run tests as you are writing your scripts. The way Pester lets us perform some pretty complex scenarios is through the ability to mock specific functions in a script, specifying what parameters to watch for in the input and what we will return from our mock - but for these mocks to work Pester needs to be able to see the original cmdlet or function you are mocking, which gets more complex in a SharePoint environment. Sure, I could go and run all of my tests on a server that has SharePoint installed - but I've never been a fan of installing SharePoint on a build server, and the second you look at a hosted build server option (for the DSC resources including xSharePoint we use AppVeyor so we can connect it to github and show build status and output publicly) you can't have SharePoint installed, meaning your calls to mock will fail.

Now the easy way out here is to just say "lets just not test those parts" - it's sort of why a lot of people avoided writing unit tests when they were writing server side code for SharePoint, because mocking was hard to get your head around at first, but I really wanted to tackle this one so that the DSC resources I'm working on could have some great automated tests so that I don't need to spend as much time manually testing things where we receive pull requests. So the next option became looking at how we could abstract out the calls or stubbing them without our scripts (there was a discussion on the topic over at GitHub) but at the end of the day while we could automate the creation of the stubs - that is a ton of overhead and script that was too tightly bound to SharePoint for my liking, so I threw that idea out as well. This did lead to me getting another idea though, around writing a generic stub method that would let me call any SharePoint cmdlet I wanted to, and then I could validate it in tests by specifying some parameters. Here is my stub method:

 function Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet() {
 [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1)]
 [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position=2)]
 Write-Verbose "Preparing to execute SharePoint command - $CmdletName"
 if ($null -ne $Arguments -and $Arguments.Count -gt 0) {
 $argumentsString = ""
 $Arguments.Keys | ForEach-Object {
 $argumentsString += "$($_): $($Arguments.$_); "
 Write-Verbose "Arguments for $CmdletName - $argumentsString"
 if ($null -eq $Arguments) {
 $script = ([scriptblock]::Create("Initialize-xSharePointPSSnapin; $CmdletName; `$params = `$null"))
 $result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script -NoNewScope
 } else {
 $script = ([scriptblock]::Create("Initialize-xSharePointPSSnapin; `$params = `$args[0]; $CmdletName @params; `$params = `$null"))
 $result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script -ArgumentList $Arguments -NoNewScope
 return $result
 function Initialize-xSharePointPSSnapin() {
 if ($null -eq (Get-PSSnapin -Name "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) 
 Write-Verbose "Loading SharePoint PowerShell snapin"
 Add-PSSnapin -Name "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"

Lets talk through what we are doing here. The main method I'm calling from my scripts is Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet and I'm passing in two arguments here, first is the name of the cmdlet I want to call and the second is a collection of the parameters I want to call it with. Here is an example of how we call New-SPConfigurationDatabase:

  $newFarmArgs = @{
 DatabaseServer = $params.DatabaseServer
 DatabaseName = $params.FarmConfigDatabaseName
 FarmCredentials = $params.FarmAccount
 AdministrationContentDatabaseName = $params.AdminContentDatabaseName
 Passphrase = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $params.Passphrase -AsPlainText -force)
 SkipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost = $true
 Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet -CmdletName "New-SPConfigurationDatabase" -Arguments $newFarmArgs

Here you can see we build up a hashtable of the parameters that would normally go on to the New-SPConfigurationDatabase cmdlet. You can also add things that are normally switch values, such as the SkipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost option by just setting the value to be $true. But once I have the cmdlets build up I pass them in to my invoke cmdlet and it then goes and runs it. The way we execute this inside the invoke function is to dynamically generating a ScriptBlock that we then execute. [scriptblock]::Create lets us build a string up and convert it to a ScriptBlock in PowerShell that we can then execute. So you can see that in the invoke statement we generate a string that first calls Initialize-xSharePointPSSnapin, a quick function I wrote that will ensure the SharePoint snap-in is loaded (this is to save me having to load it in a million other places in my scripts, reducing the complexity of the rest of my code base). From there we either execute the cmdlet with no parameters if none were passed, or if they were we refer to the parameters through the Arguments property of Invoke-Command. The part of the string that does this is shown again below.

 `$params = `$args[0]; $CmdletName @params;

$args[0] will grab the first argument we passed to Invoke-Command, which in this case is the hashtable of arguments we generated earlier. Then by calling it as @params we tell the cmdlet to execute with those parameters attached to it (note the @ instead of the $ which is what tells the engine to expand the parameters instead of passing the hash table as the one parameter). This then execute our cmdlet with the parameters that were passed.

So now that we have a way to call the SharePoint cmdlets that doesn't directly require the SharePoint PowerShell snap-in, we have something to mock for our tests. Here is an example of a test for that same script that creates the farm.

 Context "Validate set method" {
 It "Creates a new SharePoint 2016 farm" {
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "New-SPConfigurationDatabase" -and $Arguments.ContainsKey("LocalServerRole") }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "Install-SPHelpCollection" }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "Initialize-SPResourceSecurity" }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "Install-SPService" }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "Install-SPFeature" }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "New-SPCentralAdministration" }
 Mock Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet { return $null } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $CmdletName -eq "Install-SPApplicationContent" }
 Mock Get-xSharePointInstalledProductVersion { return @{ FileMajorPart = 16 } }
 Set-TargetResource @testParams

The mocks here are all set to run against the Invoke-xSharePointSPCmdlet function, where I am able to pass the "ParameterFilter" values to specify a different return value for each call based on the cmdlet name that was requested (in this case I don't care about the return values though so I can return null on each call). So here where I am also making a mock to act as if I am creating a farm in the SharePoint 2016 preview, I can also test to make sure that when I call New-SPConfigurationDatabase that it gets called with an argument that contains the key "LocalServerRole" which is a new required parameter for that cmdlet in the latest version.

The second parameter you will notice on all of my mock calls is the "Verifiable" parameter. This tells Pester that I want to be able to validate that this mock was actually called - this gives us a way to test for expected code paths through our scripts. By adding this it will make sure that the cmdlet was called with each of the parameter filter options, so for example if I call it and tell it I want to run New-SPConfigurationDatabase but I don't pass in the LocalServerRole option, then this test will fail as the specific mock I said was verifiable was not called, thus failing the test. But the greatest thing about all of this is that at no point do we actually try to execute any of the SharePoint cmdlets, we wrap them in our own method, which is a single method and not a million stubs for everything in SharePoint, that lets us ensure that all of the right methods are going to be called against SharePoint when it runs for real.

But there you have it - I'm busy updating and adding unit test coverage to the xSharePoint resources on GitHub that use this method and add a range of tests to our get and set methods that were previously overlooked due to the need for the snap-in to exist. Hopefully I'll be done with that shortly and this scripts that will use this across the entire module will hit the main dev branch ahead of the release of v0.6 of the module. Hopefully this approach demonstrates how you can write your scripts for testability and incorporate better unit testing to your PowerShell scripts as well!