.NET Rocks! on ASP.NET Dynamic Data

The great folks over in DNR land just posted Scott Hunter's interview on ASP.NET Dynamic Data!  In it he talks a lot about not only what is available with VS08 SP1, but also what is coming next.   Exciting times!

Show #349 | 6/10/2008 (63 minutes)
Scott Hunter on Microsoft Dynamic Data
imageCarl and Richard talk with Scott Hunter on Microsoft's Dynamic Data Runtime, which provides scaffolding and dynamic data services to developers.

Scott Hunter is currently a program manager on the ASP.NET team. Scott spends a lot of his time working on server side data and Dynamic Data is the current feature around this area. Scott has over 20 years of experience in the software industry with the last seven being focused on the .NET platform and building sites with ASP.NET.


Want more info on Dynamic Data?  Check it out here: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/dynamicdata