.NET Framework 2.0, SLARvol2 and FDG

With the SLARvol2 and FDG being published very right around the time that the .NET Framework 2.0 (“Whidbey”) is shipping people are naturally asking about how applicable these books are to .NET Framework 2.0… The short answer is very applicable.

While the SLARvol2 does not cover types just added in .NET Framework 2.0, the types it does cover are still the core types in the system and are as important as every. In addition all of the samples have been tested on the latest .NET Framework 2.0 bits and many of the colorful annotations are informed by our experiences building .NET Framework 2.0. Depending on market demand, I would like to update Vol1 and Vol2 to the latest EMCA\ISO spec when they are released, but I’d like to have sometime for the product to be in market and for us to learn some deeper lessons before we go do the set of annotations for it.

The FDG is targeted squarely at .NET Framework 2.0… While we have called out places where the guidance is subtly different if you are targeting .NET Framework 1.1, the focus of the book is on .NET Framework 2.0… For example we cover generics in some depth which is only in .NET Framework 2.0. However, it is my hope that this book is more timeless in nature and does not need to be updated for every release… The guidelines should remain, well, consistent from release to release J