Take the .NET Framework 2.0 Compatibility Challenge

Lots of buzz around the issue of .NET Framework 2.0 running your current applications… I could wax on about why this kind of compatibility is important, what we have been doing to make sure your apps keep working, how side-by-side really helps here, why editors use sensational headlines etc. But I thought in the age of a fully democratic and organic press I would leave this to you. Rather than believe me, or the vagaries of the press… why not gather our own data and compare notes!

So, here is my invitation to get involved in an open reporting of compatibility issues. Here is what you do.

Step 1: Read through Compatibility Testing Scenarios

Step 2: Do the 5 tests it suggests (or any subset you have time for)

Step 3: Blog your results and tell us what you think! Good or bad, blog it out (be sure to also fill out the survey for our internal bean counting too)

I am sure there will be some apps that the platform fails on, for those be sure to submit a bug… I want to make sure we address as many of those as we can before we ship. I am also equally sure some apps just work…

Thanks and let the challenge begin!