Well, it is that time again: Reviews!

ChrisAn posted about the process in general last year, so I will not bore you with it. But one of the things I do as a manager is talk to people that my team has interacted with over the period and get their feedback. This time the specific question I used was:

I would value your feedback on {0}.. What areas of contribution are especially noteworthy? What are some growth areas for {0}?

Feedback by end of week would be most helpful.

I got to thinking why not ask you? After all making you unbelievably, ecstatically happy and productive on our platform is pretty much the main job (in one way or another) of all the MSFT bloggers.

So, I suggest we declare tomorrow the “unofficial international feedback on MSFT bloggers day”! Take a few seconds and drop a line to the MSFT bloggers you read regularly and let them know what you value most from their efforts and suggest some areas for growth. If you’d like drop the comments to me and I will see to it the feedback gets directly to the blogger’s manager.

BTW, on my direct team – Krzysztof and Joel have blogs and Kit is a frequent contributor to the BCL blog.

Thanks for your feedback!