Have you been burned by versioning enums

Kit George is working on a guideline
around versioning wrt Enums and he needs your feedback. "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

It’s a know issue that adding values
to enums is bad (from a breaking change perspective), WHEN someone is
exhaustively switching over that enum. For example:

I have an enum, with three elements
in it, and I have some API, which I have written to return a

public enum
Color { Red , Green, Blue };

class Service

public static
GetColor() {

// returns a valid Color




Someone consumes this enum by
writing this (broken) code:

Color c = Service.GetColor();

switch (c) {

case Color.Green :

some action based on Green”);


case Color.Blue :

some action based on Blue”);


default : // Just
assume Red is the only other value

some action based on Red”);




The issue is: what happens when I
want to add more colors to my enum? For example, I want to change Color, so that
now, it has this definition:

enum Color {
Red , Green,
Blue, Yellow,
Purple };



  • Have you, or your team ever hit
    this problem with a managed API being updated in this way (an element added to
    an enum), and affecting your code?
  • Same question, but for an
    unmanaged API?
  • If you weren’t aware of this issue
    previously, do you think it might affect your code in the future?
  • What if we simply allow this kind
    of change: do you think it’s that bad?