Russian anyone??

Thanks to the great folks at Addison
Wesley I got a copy of Programming
in the .NET Environment
(I wrote the Framework chapter) translated into
Russian! It was very cool to see my
work getting a wider audience. They
even translated the comments in the code!"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

BTW – Here is the pitch for the book
translated back into English, I hope it reads better in

The book is written by the
group of the developers of platform NET and makes it possible to learn, as this
platform is arranged in reality.In contrast to many other books on this theme,
it describes not only ` kak` they work the elements of platform NET, but also `
pochemu`.The undoubted merit of the book is the in-depth analysis of platform
NET with the explanation of reasons, on which the developers among many
alternative versions selected precisely those, which became the basis of
platform NET.The first part of the book begins with comparative analysis of the
previous distributed systems and platform NET (chapter 1), after which is
proposed the detailed consideration of the system of types (chapter 2) and
metadannykh (chapter 3).In the description of the system of fulfillment (chapter
4) the finesses of the use of intermediate language are given, the systems of
safety and control of politicians are examined.Considerable attention in the
book is paid to the process of creation (chapter 5) and developing/scanning
(chapter 6) the applications/appendices with the deep description of questions
of the control of versions, internationalization and localization, which only
briefly are mentioned in other books about platform NET.
