A Milestone for Blogs within Microsoft??

One of the things I love about
Microsoft is how technically savvy the executive staff is. Every VP I have
interacted with at MS has impressed me in one way or another at how much they
“get it” technically. One
consequence is that execs really want to know technical details. This means I occasionally find myself
figuring out how to “educate” the execs.
I have personally been involved in getting various execs presentations,
write-ups, books, 1-1 conversations to get them educated. And, as of today, I can add blogs to
that list. o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

That is right… Given all the
technical information and resources available to a senior exec at Microsoft we
decided the best one was to send him
a couple of links to a blog. Wow –
that certainly says something about how powerful the blog medium is.

Any guesses as to which one we sent
him? I’ll give you a hint; it is
about the most technically deep blog out there on the