Offline Conversions now available in API v11

We're pleased to inform you that offline conversions support is now added to API v11. With this new feature, you are able to import any offline conversions for your clicked ads and track them on Bing Ads. This new capability allows you to better analyze the impact of your search ads on our platform.


In order to set up offline conversions you need to perform the following steps:


  • Create an offline conversion goal

You can use the Campaign Management service to create a new offline conversion goal. You may also create this using the Bing Ads web application. Note: Before proceeding to upload conversions data, you need to wait two hours for the new goal to take effect.


  • Enable MSCLKID auto tagging

MSCLKID auto tagging is necessary in order to set up offline conversions and is automatically enabled when you create an offline conversion goal. If you don't have it enabled on your account, you can use the MSCLKID Auto Tagging Enabled field of the Account Bulk record or use the AccountProperty (MSCLKIDAutoTaggingEnabled) via the GetAccountProperties and SetAccountProperties operations in the Campaign Management service.


  • Upload offline conversions data

Use either the Offline Conversion Bulk record or by submitting OfflineConversion data via the ApplyOfflineConversions operation in the Campaign Management service.


As always, if you have any questions in this regard or any other concern related to the API, feel free to reach out to us at