Integrating community -- I want your help

I've spent the last week trying to define our community
marketing requirements for the next version of visual studio. Thinking
with my customer hat; what would I want to see in the product? What
community features really work? I thought
about Web Matrix and and
how they integrate community and product, but I don't think that is enough. The
control gallery concept in web matrix is wonderful and should definitely grow and
expand, but what else is important for building community? Developers write code,
share code, and need code. We all want
to make our lives easier and leverage as much productivity as possible. I
feel that PHP is wildly successful because of the community and codebase that has
grown up around it. How can we replicate
and improve upon it? Is the key here
integrating community into the cockpit? The
place where we spend every breathing moment writing code? Or
is it through external means; websites, users groups, etc.? "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Right
now I think the answer is both -- there needs to be a way to leverage the communities
fruits within the IDE itself while still keeping it open to others to innovate on.


I'd be curious to hear all your thoughts. My
developer hat is only so big -- so preach on, how do you use the community? What
would make you more productive and more successful? I
promise to take your feedback to heart. Leave
a comment, or better yet, email me.