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Live fx Helper Class

Everyone seems to have their own Live fx helper class. I use one myself to cleanup the sample code that I build to demonstrate functionality or to reproduce reported problems. In the past in the forums I’ve just put a little caveat into discussion to ignore that section of the code because it is indeed irrelevant to the point at hand. Generally it is just about boilerplate creation or discovery of mesh objects and feeds.

I want to publish this for two reasons

  1. To make all my code samples able to compile
  2. To expose a little more about how I work with the Live Framework
  3. So I can just link to this post instead of saying "Please ignore the man behind the curtain."

Also, you will notice I like to use extension methods for most of my helpers. This is sometimes a point of contention between developers kind of like the "Where do the brackets go?" debate. Some like extension methods, some think it confuses the consumer of the code. I see both points, but in the end you can use them either way – as extension methods or as static methods – so I’m going to leave that option in.

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.LiveFX.Client;
using Microsoft.LiveFX.ResourceModel;

public static class LiveFXHelper
    #region MeshHelpers
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a MeshObject in a Mesh and optionally creates it if not found
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the Mesh to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the Mesh Object to find</param>
    /// <param name="createIfNotFound">if true, then the object will be created if not found</param>
    /// <returns>the Mesh Object found or null if not found or created </returns>
    public static MeshObject FindMeshObject(this Mesh mesh, string title, bool createIfNotFound)
        var query1 = from coreObject in mesh.CreateQuery<MeshObject>()
                     where coreObject.Resource.Title == title
                     select coreObject;
        MeshObject meshObject = query1.FirstOrDefault<MeshObject>();
        if (meshObject == null && createIfNotFound)
            meshObject = new MeshObject(title);
            mesh.MeshObjects.Add(ref meshObject);
        return meshObject;

    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a MeshObject in a Mesh
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the Mesh to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the Mesh Object to find</param>
    /// <returns>the Mesh Object found or null if not found</returns>
    public static MeshObject FindMeshObject(this Mesh mesh, string title)
        return FindMeshObject(mesh, title, false);

    #region MeshObjectHelpers
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a DataFeed in a MeshObject and optionally creates it if not found
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the MeshObject to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the DataFeed to find</param>
    /// <param name="createIfNotFound">if true, then the object will be created if not found</param>
    /// <returns>the DataFeed found or null if not found or created </returns>
    public static DataFeed FindDataFeed(this MeshObject parent, string title, bool createIfNotFound)
        var query1 = from coreObject in parent.CreateQuery<DataFeed>()
                     where coreObject.Resource.Title == title
                     select coreObject;
        DataFeed dataFeed = query1.FirstOrDefault<DataFeed>();
        if (dataFeed == null && createIfNotFound)
            dataFeed = new DataFeed(title);
            parent.DataFeeds.Add(ref dataFeed);
        return dataFeed;

    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a DataFeed in a MeshObject
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the Mesh Object to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the DataFeed to find</param>
    /// <returns>the DataFeed found or null if not found</returns>
    public static DataFeed FindDataFeed(this MeshObject parent, string title)
        return FindDataFeed(parent, title, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if any invitations are still pending
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="meshObject">The MeshObject whose invitations are being checked</param>
    /// <returns>true if any invitations are still pending</returns>
    public static bool AreInvitationsPending(this MeshObject meshObject)
        var members = (from member in meshObject.CreateQuery<Member>()
                       where member.Resource.InvitationAccepted == false
                       select member).ToList();

        return (members.Count() > 0);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a list of MeshObjects to into a list of 
    /// the corresponding MeshObjectResources. This is 
    /// especially helpful when binding to UI elements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection"></param>
    /// <returns>A list of MeshObjectResources that were attached to the MeshObjects</returns>
    public static List<MeshObjectResource> GetResourceList(List<MeshObject> entries)
        List<MeshObjectResource> newList = new List<MeshObjectResource>();
        foreach (MeshObject item in entries)
        return newList;
    #region DataFeed_Helpers
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a DataEntry in a DataFeed and optionally creates it if not found
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the DataFeed to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the DataEntry to find</param>
    /// <param name="createIfNotFound">if true, then the object will be created if not found</param>
    /// <returns>the DataEntry found or null if not found or created </returns>
    public static DataEntry FindDataEntry(this DataFeed parent, string title, bool createIfNotFound)
        var query1 = from coreObject in parent.CreateQuery<DataEntry>()
                     where coreObject.Resource.Title == title
                     select coreObject;

        DataEntry dataEntry = query1.FirstOrDefault<DataEntry>();
        if (dataEntry == null && createIfNotFound)
            dataEntry = new DataEntry(title);
            parent.DataEntries.Add(ref dataEntry);
        return dataEntry;

    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a DataEntry in a DataFeed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh">the DataFeed to search</param>
    /// <param name="title">the title of the DataEntry to find</param>
    /// <returns>the DataEntry found or null if not found</returns>
    public static DataEntry FindDataEntry(this DataFeed parent, string title)
        return FindDataEntry(parent, title, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a list of DataFeeds to into a list of 
    /// the corresponding DataFeedResources. This is 
    /// especially helpful when binding to UI elements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection"></param>
    /// <returns>A list of DataFeedResources that were attached to the DataFeeds</returns>
    public static List<DataFeedResource> GetResourceList(List<DataFeed> entries)
        List<DataFeedResource> newList = new List<DataFeedResource>();
        foreach (DataFeed item in entries)
        return newList;

    #region DataEntry_Helpers
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a list of DataEntrys to into a list of 
    /// the corresponding DataEntryResources. This is 
    /// especially helpful when binding to UI elements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection"></param>
    /// <returns>A list of DataEntryResources that were attached to the DataEntrys</returns>
    public static List<DataEntryResource> GetResourceList(List<DataEntry> entries)
        List<DataEntryResource> newList = new List<DataEntryResource>();
        foreach (DataEntry item in entries)
        return newList;