TechEd '05: what do you want to see? [Kit George]

Well, I realize that TechEd '05 is a while off yet, but we're sitting here right now in a planning session, and I realized what I really wanted to know was: what presentations do you, our customers, want to see the most at TechEd?

Given that Whidbey will be right around the corner at that point (TechEd occurs in late May/earily June), it will be an obvious focus for us, so we'll give 2-3 'What's new in the CLR in Whidbey' focussed talks (where you'll see the final, polished samples and features that are actually in Whidbey).

But I'd love to know what topics that are CLR/BCL focussed, which you feel should be given. Feel free to identify existing talks, or brand new topics, and treat this as a brainstorm, any relevant topic id fine!

Also: any particular presenters you like seeing, or would like to see, talking about CLR topics?


- Interop: best practices (a traditional talk, but it's always appreciated)

- Breaking Changes: identifying and mitgating breaking changes

- CLR Internals: reasoining behind the behavior

- CLR: limitations and solutions (an idea off the top of my head, to talk about some of the things we've noted don't work so well, and how we might go about fixing it)