Running Java8 on Azure web apps

Switching to Java 8 version has got easier in new Azure Portal. Below are list of instructions

1) Navigate to

2) Select your Java Web app and Click on settings


3) Click on Application Settings in Settings bar


4) You should see drop-down's to select different java version and web container.





------------------------------------------------ Below content is deprecated in favor of New Azure Portal -------------------------------------------------------

Note :  Please refer for changing java version in application server.


Java 1.8 binaries are pre-installed in Azure Web apps and Below are steps to activate it


1)     Go to configure tab in your webapp



2)     Add following content in app settings


Value : D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

3)     Navigate to your website kudu console - and check if you have below content

 JAVA_HOME = D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

4)     Set java bin path in debug console

 set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%/bin



5)     Check if changes are reflected

 Java –version



Note :  Please refer for changing java version in application server.


Troubleshoot :

1) You can skip setting PATH variable from step 4 above and run java directly using below command

 D:\home>"%JAVA_HOME%"\bin\java -version

2) If you would like to make this change at application server level, please use below config file for tomcat. You can find more details @

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <add name="httpPlatformHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" />
 <httpPlatform processPath="%HOME%\site\wwwroot\bin\tomcat\bin\startup.bat" 
 <environmentVariable name="CATALINA_OPTS" value="-Dport.http=%HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT%" />
 <environmentVariable name="CATALINA_HOME" value="%HOME%\site\wwwroot\bin\tomcat" />
 <environmentVariable name="JRE_HOME" value="%JAVA_HOME%" /> 
 <environmentVariable name="JAVA_OPTS" value="" />
 As suggested by PERTU in comments try using JAVA_HOME1 if azure overrides value set in user interface