Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trace Parser is now available for AX 2009 customers

We want to make Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trace Parser (Trace Parser 2012) available for AX 2009 customers and have just uploaded it to the PartnerSource and CustomerSource.

Trace Parser 2012 is the latest version of Trace Parser that is shipped with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 product. Although Trace Parser 2012 was designed to work on AX 2012’s event tracing infrastructure, it supports AX 2009 trace files and works with AX 2009 AOS. Compared to its previous releases, Trace Parser 2012 has many new features with significant improvement in performance and stability.

Minimum system requirements: Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008; SQL Server 2008 Developer/Standard/Enterprise edition; .Net framework 4.0.
