On-demand: Advanced Windows Store app development with HTML5 Jump Start

Microsoft technical evangelists Jeremy Foster and Michael Palermo deliver this accelerated course, full of great demos. Discover advanced techniques to help build Windows 8 apps that stand out. This one received excellent reviews and can help you prepare for Exam 70-482: Advanced Windows Store App Development using HTML5 and JavaScript.

Building web apps with ASP.NET Jump Start

Get an accelerated introduction to building modern web applications with ASP.NET, targeting key scenarios for building mobile ready websites, social web applications, and modern HTML5 browser features. Led by principal program manager Scott Hanselman and technical evangelist Jon Galloway.

Programming in C# Jump Start: Exam 70-483 preparation

Microsoft technical evangelist Jerry Nixon and co-founder of Crank211 Daren May deliver an engaging, demo-rich Jump Start course, now available on-demand on Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA). The accelerated course for intermediate to seasoned developers covers core concepts and features of C#. The course loosely follows the criteria for Exam 70-483.

On-demand Jump Start: build apps for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

Developers: learn best practices and techniques to help you deliver apps for both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Engaging, demo-rich courses is led by senior technical evangelist Ben Riga.