Mailbag: How can I perform a silent installation of Visio for Enterprise Architects?


I have seen your previous posts about how to perform silent and unattended installs of Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. I would like to be able to include Visio for Enterprise Architects (which ships with higher end versions of Visual Studio .NET 2002, 2003 and 2005). How can I do that?


You can use the following command line to perform a silent install of Visio for Enterprise Architects for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003:

msiexec.exe /i <full path to visio.msi> /qn

You can also substitute /qb if you want to perform an unattended installation (which provides a small progress bar during installation with a cancel button), or /qb! if you want to perform an unattended installation with no cancel button.

You can use the following command line to perform a silent install of Visio for Enterprise Architects for Visual Studio 2005:

msiexec.exe /i <full path to visvea.msi> /qn

You can also substitute /qb or /qb! as described above.

In addition, because the above command lines call msiexec.exe directly, you can use any of the standard Windows Installer command line parameters.