Joomla site -- unwritable logs and tmp folder when hosting on Windows Azure Web Sites


When hosting Joomla 2.5 site on Windows Azure Web Sites (WAWS), you are not able to install plug-ins which is an exciting feature of Joomla. It turned out the problem is due to unwritable temp folder.

In the site Administration page, click “Site” -> “System Information” -> “Directory Permissions”, you should see follow result.




The problem is Joomla uses hard coded absolute Unix style path in the code. Here is the workaround.


1. Using FTP to download /site/wwwroot/configuration.php from your WAWS site to your local machine.


2. Open it using a text editor, find follows:

public $tmp_path = '/tmp';

public $log_path = '/var/logs';


3. change to:

public $tmp_path = 'C:\DWASFiles\Sites\YourSiteName\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\tmp';

public $log_path = ''C:\DWASFiles\Sites\YourSiteName\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\var\logs';


Instead of using absolute physical path, it is suggested to use relative path and maps it to full physical directory. ASP and ASP.Net provides follow function to avoid such problem.



See you next time!
